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Jin Oh
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Jin Oh is the former President of Worldwide Publishing at Riot Games, leading esports, marketing, international offices, global publishing, customer service, localization, and martech. He was also part of the company’s executive team, developing and leading the company strategy and key initiatives. Before becoming President, Jin was the Vice President of International, responsible for Riot Games’ international expansion, local offices, and regional publishing. He started as the Country Manager of Korea and Managing Director of Asia, building the company’s presence and launching League of Legends in the region.

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<리그 오브 레전드 플레이어 중심주의 : 게임에서 문화로, 〈리그 오브 레전드〉를 만든 라이엇 게임즈 인사이드 이야기>, 오진호 저, 골든래빗

〈리그 오브 레전드〉는 어떻게 e스포츠를 넘어 문화로까지 성장할 수 있었을까? 그 해답은 우리말로 ‘플레이어 중심주의’라고 할 수 있는 ‘플레이어 포커스’에 있다. ‘플레이어 포커스’는 라이엇 게임즈, 〈리그 오브 레전드〉, 커뮤니티를 이어주며 글로벌 문화로 자리매김하는 데 비옥한 토양을 제공했다.많은 기업이 똑같은 슬로건을 내세우지만 모두가 같은 결과를 내는 것은 아니다.그렇다면 라이엇 게임즈는 어떻게 이 같은 생태계를 만들 수 있었을까?라이엇 게임즈 코리아 초대 지사장으로 시작해 본사 프레지젠트까지 역임한 오진호 저자가 보고 겪고 실천한 이야기에서 그 노하우를 찾아보자.

Career Journey
LinkedIn Profile
Jin Oh started as the Marketing Director of Blizzard Entertainment and was promoted to Managing Director of Korea in 2008.
Jin Oh was the Managing Director of Southeast Asia.
Jin Oh was the Country Manager of Korea and Managing Director of Asia.
Los Angeles
Jin Oh was the Managing Director of International.
Jin Oh was the Chief Executive Officer.
Los Angles
Jin Oh was the President of World-Wide Publishing.
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